
Showing posts from November, 2009


Yesterday went for Penang Bridge Marathon Yiyang, Jason Lee and I managed to finish the 21km in 3 hours time I think we just use 2 hours and 50 minutes something to finish it Not a bad result I run so fast just because want to finish the marathon earlier so that i can see her I said I wanna say hello to her After waiting her in the rain for about 1 hours more I din see her ... Quite disappointed ... Haiz ... While waiting, both my legs cramp suddenly Haha so noob, just run 21km nia also will cramp The st. john is a bit beh syiok of me because i keep calling them for help Walk to Desmond home alone without shoes because I want to say hello to her myself only Now both my legs cant walk ad Somewhere near my tapak kaki swell ad Suffering now ... Really enjoy the time run on the bridge with Yiyang and Jason Lee ! Thanks !

My Eldest Sister Birthday !

My eldest sister just passed her birthday on Wednesday. Although there was no party or celebration for her but we still bought a cake by her money. A huge chocolate cheese cake. If you finish it with your own I sure you will ... So many candles... means... My pretty sis acting cute Just 1 candle ? so young meh ? My sis with my mother. hehe From right: Youngest sis, eldest sis, mother It's my turn to take a pic with my sis. hehe Actually Thursday I still have exam, English Paper 1 but sis birthday is more improtant than the exam so went to restaurant had dinner. Really enjoy with my family. Wish my eldest sis "Always pretty and healthy!" That's all. The end.


前几天,放学回家的路途中,经过了一间马来学校。本来还好好的,怎么知道来到了这学校的其中一个校门口看到了一件感觉蛮心痛的事情。 这件事件共有2个男生以及1位女生参与。 事情是这样的... 一位女生站在校门口,因刚放学的关系,所以站在那等人载。这位女生的两旁各了站一个男生。一个年纪较长,另一个较为小。我看到的是,那位女生傻傻地站着,任由那年纪较长的男生呼她巴掌。那位女生似乎在求救的眼神,显得楚楚可怜,但旁人看了却没有一个上前阻止,大家都只站在那看“好戏”。那个男生好像呼了10次的巴掌吧,那位女生只能任由他打,没有反抗的机会。到底现在这社会的青少年都怎么了?为什么还会有这样不堪设想的事情发生?是教育不够还是青少年本身出了问题呢? 遇到这些问题。我们常常在写作文时都会写说政府应该举办讲座会,校方应该看紧学生的纪律,父母应该空出多点时间陪陪孩子,朋友应该给予劝告......但,问题来了,真正做到这些的人有多少呢? 政府举办讲座会,出席的青少年有多少?听了有所觉醒而不再这样做的人有多少?其实,政府举办讲座会是由他的理由的。人心各不同吧。其实参加了讲座会而真正有所觉醒的人是有的,但却是少之又少。可能在这社会,人善被人欺,但也没有必要欺负一位手无搏鸡之力的女生吧!政府应该想想其它方案来解决此问题,只一味地靠讲座会是不行的。 校方呢,说是把学生都管得很严,但把学生管得这么严到底是弊多于利还是利多于弊呢?中学生在这个年纪是处于叛逆时期,你越是把他管得越严,他越是叛逆,所以校方不能只是把学生管得很严而应该视情况而定。中学生通常都是受软不受硬的,适时的劝告可能比严厉的处罚来得有效。 我们都说在这竞争的社会,父母都忙于赚钱而忽略了孩子,但没有忙于赚钱的父母并没有完全注重孩子的。就算父母再怎么地再忙,有心的话,自然就会有多出的时间来陪陪孩子;就算父母在怎么地有空,没有心的话,自然就会有诸多借口没有时间陪同孩子。父母对一个孩子的影响力其实是最大的。有其父必有其子,一个父亲的习性会影响孩子以后的行为。父母真的不能只是满足孩子在物质上的享受。一个孩子真正需要的并不是花不完的钱,他们想要的只是父母能陪在他们身边,给予爱心、关心。 本身也应该洁身自爱,要懂得分辨是非黑白。对的事,要坚持;不对的事,完全不可做。就算不小心行差踏错,只要有肯改过的心,认错、改过永远不会迟。我们也应...