
Showing posts from December, 2011


每个人都有言论自由 但你是否因为这项自由而伤了他人? 虽说是一项自由,但也要注意我们所说的话 不要因为自由,而胡乱说话 我不说了。


每个人的心灵都很脆弱 要好好的保护它 不要胡乱伤害他人的心灵 这会让你付出很大的代价 对不起,我知道错了,我会弥补的,如果可以的话。 希望一切都不会太迟...

Trip to Maxwell Hill

An unforgettable trip for me, this year, Lower Sixth in Chung Ling High School. From the planning till the last second of the trip, I've been involved in making the trip success. Learned so many things and got experience that others can't get it. I'm happy to be one of the organizers, as this trip is not held in Penang only, but to other state, Perak, the place that seems to be unfamiliar for us. The hardest part to run this trip, is to plan the date that all most of us can make it. At first, we set at 5,6 and 7 of December, but unexpected thing happened. The trees fell and knocked at the bungalow that we rented, a week time is needed to repair the houses, problems started here. The officers of Maxwell Hill asked us to change the date, with the dates they provided, the trip seems have to be cancelled. At last, one of the organizers, Wen Fang made the decision and booked the bungalow at 13, 14 and 15 of December, this is really a brave decision because we didn't ask ...


在学业上 你付出多少,你就会有多少的回报 如果你看见一些成绩很好的人 是因为他们在学业上付出了很多 我们不要一味地羡慕 他们辛苦的一面,我们是看不见的 人与人之间,说真的 不是我们付出多少就会有多少的回报 我们总是以为,付出了就会有人珍惜,会有回报 恐怕这只是一厢情愿的想法 现实是残酷的,不会有人珍惜你的付出 有人珍惜的话,那是你的幸运 没有的话,也不要埋怨 才发觉,和朋友们之间的关系 我一直付出,想要维持着很好的关系 以为只要一方面付出了,另一方面就会好好的珍惜 只能说,我太天真了 我凭什么要朋友一定要珍惜我的付出? 我凭什么要得到朋友们的回报? 我什么都没有 人总是要受伤了才会成长 为什么总觉得我一直在受伤却没有成长? 付出多了,会让人觉得很累 也许面对这种环境,我必须将自己武装起来 自我保护,爱自己多些 不想再管了